Best Museums in Boston, Mass.

Boston's world-class museums are among the major attractions in this city of art and science.  

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA.

Museum of Fine Arts

One of America's best fine arts museums, noted especially for its collection of Impressionist paintings and its new (2011) American Art wing. More...

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

A Renaissance palace imported from Italy, stuffed with precious art by its eccentric owner, and recently greatly expanded. More...

Institute of Contemporary Art

In a striking ultra-modern building on Fan Pier in the Seaport District of South Boston, the ICA is among the nation's foremost avant-garde art museums. More...

Boston Area Fine Arts Museums

The museums mentioned above are the Big Three, but Greater Boston has a dozen more fine arts museums within easy reach. More...

Boston Children's Museum

Recently renovated and beutifully expanded, it's better than ever, delighting kids from infants to teenagers. The Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum is very near as well. More...

Museum of Science

Anyone with curiosity about the world they live in, ancient, present or future, will want to see what's happening at the Museum of Science. More...

Boston Athenaeum

America's oldest private library also has interesting exhibits of early Americana on Beacon Hill. More...

Paul Revere House

The great patriot, propagandist and silversmith lived in Boston's North End. His house is still there, you can visit it, then have a great meal at a nearby Italian restaurant or café. More...

Massachusetts State House

Dominating the Boston skyline from its perch atop Beacon Hill, the state capitol is a living museum of the history of the Bay Colony and the state. More...

Old State House

Headquarters for the colonial government of Massachusetts Bay Colony, now houses a good antiquarian museum. More...

John F Kennedy Library & Museum

The architecturally striking monument to the late president, his life and times, in South Boston. More...

Design Museum Boston

You can see it, but you can't go there. The Design Museum has no building. Its exhibits take place all over the city in public spaces and various buildings. All exhibits are free and open to the public. More...